Why would God let so many people die of a horrible virus? Why is there so much unrest and anger in our country? Why do the innocent suffer? How can I believe in a good God when there’s much bad out there?
Are you questioning right now? Lots of people are. The best way to find answers is to ask good questions. At Cross of Christ, we have the perfect course to help you ask your questions and find the most amazing answers from God. It’s a totally free class called Cross Connections. We lay out the message of Jesus and the Bible in a simple, easy-to-follow format so you can find peace and certainty amid all the confusion.
Check out our website (cocidaho.org/connect/cross-connections/) for more information. We’ll practice social distancing and have masks provided at both locations. Best of all, you can relax in a no-pressure environment where it’s okay to have questions.
Connect to God, purpose, and community at the cross of Christ. Sign up today!
“Seek the Lord while he may be found” (Isaiah 55:6).
We'd love to hear from you.
Contact us with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests.