Get to know fellow believers better in small, geographically-friendly, assigned groups of 6-9 people over a meal. It’s simple:
- Each household takes a turn hosting once, either at home or church.
- The host provides the main entrée and asks the guests to bring specific sides.
- Your group will decide how frequently to meet and when (e.g., once per quarter on a Friday, breakfast or lunch instead of dinner, etc.).
- Meals continue until each household in your group has hosted – or as long as you like!
Register HERE by January 19.
Check out this video answering Frequently Asked Questions.
Still have questions or concens? Contact coordinator Sara Manglos at or 208-602-8329; she’d love to hear from you. Or read on for an example of how a group would work!
This example group has 7 people: Jed and Joan, Mike and Marsha, Zack and Annie and Lisa. They live within 5 miles of each other. Jed and Joan are the first hosts. Jed and Joan email their group with two possible dates for their first dinner. They agree on Jan. 24th at their house. They will be providing crock pot chili and ask Mike and Marsha to bring corn bread, Zack and Annie to bring a salad, and Lisa to bring a dessert. At the first dinner they decide the dates for the rest of the year. Spring hosts will be Mike and Marsha, Lisa wants to host in the summer, and Zack and Annie will host in the fall. They have a lovely evening and look forward to getting together again in a few months.
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 )