Fall Festival – Boise Campus

Fall Festival '23 (Instagram Post)

Here it comes! Fall Festival at the Boise campus is Sunday, October 27, 3-5pm.

We’ll have a chili cook-off, hot dogs & brats (while they last), face-painting & games, trunk or treat (3:30-4:30), and a petting zoo!

This is the perfect event to attend with an eye on hospitality and connecting with new folks in our community—plan to be there!

How to participate?

1. Simply attend! (Costume optional, but fun… 🙂 )

2. Invite a friend or neighbor family to come with you!

3. Volunteer your assistance day-of (last needs: kitchen monitors & hospitality 4:30-5, clean-up/take-down 5-6ish): COCFFvolunteer.

4. Donate candy so our trunk-decorators don’t have to buy it all: FFfooddonations 

5. Compete in the chili cook-off: FFchilicookoff

6. Contribute part of the meal (could use a few more chips, fruit/veg, desserts): FFfooddonations

Direct questions to Mandy Watkins (amanda.watkins99@yahoo.com / 210-425-3270).