Congregational Open Forum


All-Church Open Forum

Sunday, June 2, 1:00 pm, Boise campus

This meeting will include:

  • the coming year’s ministry plan and budget
  • official adoption of our new by-laws
  • election of new Council members (more info below)

Additional information/materials for all these items can be accessed HERE

All members are strongly encouraged to attend, ask questions, and participate in the discussion & action on these significant topics! You’re also welcome to ask questions at the Sunday morning ministry discussions on June 2.

Regarding elections for vacant Council of Ministry positions:

During this time of transition to our new ministry leadership structure, Brent Masters is ending his final term as president, and several current councilmen are stepping down: Seth Tews, Justin Malnes, and Greg Light.

The remaining councilmen will serve in the following ways: Hans Geary (vice-president), Cameron Sullivan (treasurer), Ray Dodd (secretary), and Gene Whitlach (Boise campus councilman).

Our Nominating Committee (Roy Lange, John Harris, Dave Malnes, Sean O’Doherty, and Pastor Hein) met to study God’s Word regarding “leaders in the church” before prayerfully drafting this year’s list of current nominees.

The following men have prayerfully considered and accepted their nominations. On the ballot for president: Mark Arstein, Dave Malnes. On the ballot for Nampa Campus Councilman: Martin Merklinger.

Questions may be directed to Pastor Hein ( or any member of the Nominating Committee.