Women’s Bible Study


Women’s Bible Study

The Boise campus Women’s Bible Study Group, hosted by Casi Berrier and Cindy Harris, will kick off the Winter/Spring session Monday, February 3, at both 10am & 7pm (new evening time!).

We’ll study Philippians using the book, “Philippians, Living In the Joy of Christ” by Naomi Schmidt. This study of God’s Word will help you specify and delight in the ways God is working in and through your life, and rest confidently in the completed work of Christ for salvation.

The cost is $10 for the book, payable to Cross of Christ, online or in-person. To pay online, select “Designated Gift” at this link and note “Women’s Bible study.” (If you attended the 2021 women’s retreat, you may already have the book; check your shelves!)

Financial support for materials is available. Please speak with Pastor Hein (greg.hein@cocidaho.org) or Staff Minister Kristen Koepsell (kristen.koepsell@cocidaho.org).

Please register online HERE or on the lobby bulletin board at Boise, so we can make sure we have enough books!