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Sunday, August 16, 2020
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (traditional)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (arr. by Fernando Ortega)
Hymn 234 in Christian Worship. These arrangements may have slightly different wording than you're used to; since the text was originally written in German in the mid-1600s, it is now in the public domain (no one owns the copyright). This means editors can choose which English translation to use, how they want to update archaic language, etc.
Lord, I Need You (Matt Maher)
Now Thank We All Our God (traditional)
Now Thank We All Our God (arr. by Koine)
Hymn 610 in Christian Worship. These arrangements have slight variations in rhythms & notes, since the same thing can happen with older public domain hymn tunes as with texts in other languages. The melodies can experience variations over time and so appear in slightly different forms.
Enough (Chris Tomlin, Louis Giglio)
I Am Jesus' Little Lamb (traditional)
I Am Jesus' Little Lamb (arr. Koine)
Hymn 432 in Christian Worship.