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Sunday, May 10, 2020
God the Uncreated One (King Forevermore) (by Aaron Keyes & Pete James)
Psalm 33 (by The Psalms Project)
This recording doesn't include lyrics. We challenge you to read Psalm 33 from your Bible, then listen to the song while following along with the Bible text. How does the musical arrangement emphasize or highlight the themes of the psalm?
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled (by David Haas, led by Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School Choir (WELS), recorded virtually March 2020.)
You Are the Way; through You Alone (traditional)
Hymn 356 in Christian Worship
We Believe (by Matthew Hooper, Richie Filke, and Travis Ryan, recorded by Newsboys)
May the Peoples Praise You (by Getty, Townend, Zimmer, and Cash)
Bonus: Awesome God (by Rich Mullins)
Ask your kids to teach you the motions for the chorus!