People are experiencing different kinds of loss right now. Loss of work hours. Loss of wages. Loss of time with friends at school. Even the loss of loved ones.
Jesus knows what it’s like to experience loss. He went through it when he was on this earth. Loss of loved ones. Loss of possessions. Loss of his own life. And he also lost his God, the Father. When he was hanging on the cross to rescue the world, he cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). He was abandoned there to suffer hell in our place.
Why? So we will never experience what Jesus did. By believing in him, we will never have our God, the Father, abandon us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will be with us always and care for us as our dear Father in heaven.
There are a lot of things in life that we can lose. It’s not fun to experience loss. There’s one kind of loss that is the worst of all—being forsaken by God. Because Jesus is your Savior, that is one loss you never need to fear going through.
He loves you. He’ll walk with you through any loss you experience. He won’t lose you.
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