Learn more about what to expect when you join us for worship at Cross of Christ.

Music & STyle
At Cross of Christ, we enjoy timeless blended worship, making use of the best of the past as well as the best of today. We commonly sing along to the piano, but also makes use of the organ, guitars, and other instruments. We use ancient prayers and creeds as well as modern songs and screens. When we gather for worship, we join with believers of the past and, in freedom, serve the people of today as we praise God and grow together in our faith.

The Message
The messages are always based on a portion of the Bible. We let God and his Word be the ultimate authority with every message that is delivered. You’ll find Bible teaching that is clear, relatable, and applicable to your life.

Bring the Kids
We love the worshiping family! Kids are always welcome in worship and often they’ll hear a children’s message designed specifically for them. Should your child need a break, we also have a mother’s room for privacy, and a large lobby where the service is broadcast on video screens.