A Prayer for Our Nation

Lord, you are good. So much of this world is not. We need your goodness right now. Bring goodness to our nation.

Lord, you are just. You always know what is right and you have the authority to end what is wrong. Bring an end to violence, racism, evil, and injustice. Be the God who always accomplishes what is right.

Lord, you are loving. You gave your own Son for our nation and for our world. Surround us with your love. In dark times of hatred and hostility, let your love shine brightly. Cause many more hearts and lives to be touched by your faithful love—love that covers over sin and drives away fear.

Lord, you know what is best. We often do not. We continue to mess things up. You are all-wise. Let your wisdom and your guidance be heard. Use the events in our nation to lead people to listen to your commands, because what you want is always best for us.

Lord, you are in control. We definitely are not. Rule over our nation and govern all things for the good of your people. Harness the events of our nation to accomplish your good purposes.

Lord, have mercy. We do not deserve it, but we plead for your mercy because of Jesus, our Savior. Resting in the forgiveness he won for us on the cross, we ask you to spare us punishment. We have so often defied your ways. Our nation has so much for which to repent. Yet you have not treated us as we deserve. Continue to show us your mercy.

Lord, we need you. Grant peace. Grant healing. Grant faith. Hear us as we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph” (Amos 5:14-15).

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