I Get It

Let’s be honest, sometimes the Bible can seem a little confusing. Should I be worried about my sin or not? Why am I here on this earth? How does God want me to live at my job and in my marriage? Am I worthy enough?

Do you know how you find the answers? Go to the source. While it may be a big book that seems confusing, God isn’t trying to trick us. The Bible gives clear answers to life’s biggest questions. The more you read it, the more you’ll find yourself saying, “I get it!”

Cross of Christ has developed a great course to help you get the message of Jesus and the Bible in a comfortable, easy-to-follow format. It’s a class called Cross Connections. There’s no pressure and no obligation. But after the first couple of weeks, you’ll find yourself saying more and more, “I get it!”

Knowing God and finding peace in life doesn’t have to be difficult. At Cross Connections, we make it easy. Find out more and sign up today at cocidaho.org/connect/cross-connections/. You’ll be glad you did!

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