Save the Dates: Camp Christos 2025
Camp Christos, a sleepaway Bible camp for youth ages 9-16, will be held August 3-8, 2025, at Dworshak State Park in northern Idaho. Put the dates on your calendar and watch for registration to open in May!
More info about Camp at tinyurl.com/campchristos.
Something to think about:
Providing a high-quality Bible camp experience for 55+ youth works best with some specialized contributions and skills. We know August seems far away right now, but would you consider if you might be able to serve in one of these particular ways?
- Certified lifeguard onsite for the week (Camp could pay for your certification if you have the interest & willingness to become certified.)
- Drive your own or a borrowed heavy-duty truck, hauling a loaded trailer, from Boise to Dworshak State Park (and/or the return trip). (Mountain driving and one-lane, twisty roads getting into the park.)
Talk to Kristen Koepsell with questions or interest (kristen.koepsell@cocidaho.org).