Your Money Made Simple
With Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you’ll learn how to create (and stick to) a budget, pay off debt fast, save for emergencies, and plan for the future. Doesn’t that sound peaceful?
Click the button below to register!
If the cost of the class is a challenge, financial assistance is available. Email Pastor Hein (greg.hein@cocidaho.org) to inquire.
- Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
- May 7 – July 2 (nine weeks)
- sessions are 1-2 hours long
- at Cross of Christ’s Boise Campus
- Cost: $79.99 (digital workbook), $99.99 (physical workbook)
- Childcare is available for children ages 3-10 (must be bathroom-independent). Email admin@cocidaho.org with names & ages of children.