How do you approach the thank offerings you give to God in worship?
Our God guides us to give in a way that is proportional to what we’ve been given, regular in frequency, and motivated by love and thankfulness.
We’ve put together a tool to assist you in doing just that: a personal giving plan form. We’re encouraging you to
- pick up a form & envelope from church (Boise lobby or Nampa entry tables) — or download & print at home (PDF HERE),
- prayerfully reflect on what you plan to give in the next year,
- fill out the form, and
- place it, in the sealed envelope, in an offering receptacle at church by Thanksgiving Eve, Nov 22.
These envelopes will remain unopened, and in a year they will be mailed back to you. In this way you can reflect on this important fruit of faith between you and God in light of his faithfulness and grace. May God bless you in this process!
You can contact the Boise office (admin@cocidaho.org) with any questions.