You can give a gift to your wife, your kids, everyone at the office, or every kid in the school. But at some point, there’s a limit. You can’t give a gift to every person out there. It’s just too much.
Wouldn’t it be great, though, if everyone could get a gift—if no one was left out this Christmas? What if there was a gift that could be given to absolutely everyone so every person could receive and enjoy it?
Such a gift exists. It’s the baby in the manger. He didn’t just come for one person, one class of people, or one nation. He is God’s gift to every human being—Jew and Gentile alike.
So no one’s left out. So each person can know they’re loved by heaven. So there can be a gift for everyone. The greatest gift of all.
“[Jesus is] a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel” (Luke 2:32).
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