Life has many painful moments. And it seems the older you get the more your heart can hurt. So can your body.
Where is God when it hurts? Why does he let it hurt so badly?
It can’t be because he’s unaware. It can’t be because he doesn’t care.
Because it hurt for Jesus. More than we will ever know. He endured the greatest pain of body—and especially soul—when he made his way to the cross and gave up his life. When you cry out to him, he understands. He’s been there, and so much more.
But pain didn’t get the final word for the Savior who came to life again. It won’t get the final word for you, either.
When it hurts, he wants you to know that it won’t be forever. You’re enduring it now. He will give you the strength and use the pain for something better.
Jesus’ suffering is the proof that he will use it for something better.
“He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. . . . They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again” (Matthew 27:26,30).
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