Be honest. Have you ever changed your mind or your position on something? The older we get, we’re able to look back and recognize how naïve we were. We don’t always still agree with some of the things we said or believed at previous times in our lives. But we tend to be understanding with ourselves.
Are we as understanding of others, do you think? Or is the knee-jerk reaction: “Can you believe they think that?!”?
We live in polarized times. People treat almost every issue as black and white. And if someone has a different opinion, they’re automatically labeled as wrong (only in much worse terms).
God calls his people to much higher standards. We have something to learn from people who think differently than we do. When we interact with them, we have the opportunity to put love into practice. Love like Jesus who bore with us. Love like Jesus who was understanding with us (and we were way different than him before he came to us).
Those who think differently are people Jesus loves just as much as he loves you. Love those who think differently.
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2).
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