It’s not always so easy to simply roll with things in life. There’s so much that doesn’t go our way. So much that’s frustrating. So much we wish was different.
But sometimes (a lot of times!) we’ve just got to let it be because we can’t control it.
Now, when the Bible tells us to let things be, it’s not because we shouldn’t care. It’s not because we shouldn’t recognize things that are going wrong. It’s not that we should stop speaking up or standing up for what is right.
It’s just that sometimes (a lot of times!) we need to roll with it because we can’t control it.
But God can. And he sees everything. He knows everything. He’s got the power to deal with it, and he’s going to set it all right in his good timing. He loves you. He’ll make everything work out for your good. Because he cares about you.
God’s in charge. He’s got this. You can trust him.
So roll with it.
“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
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