wars and rumors of wars

The news is filled with a lot of bad . . . news.

Including wars. And things brewing around the world that can escalate to further conflict...

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Christian Cancel Culture

I like Christian cancel culture.“Cancel culture” is a modern form of ostracizing someone, either online by blocking their social media or in the real world by firing them or cutting ties with them. Sometimes it’s because of unacceptable actions and sometimes it’s because they expressed an unpopular opinion. I’m not saying I’m a fan of…


Do the More Difficult Thing

Using a slogan. Saying you believe in something. Posting it on social media. Being supportive of good things and condemning bad things. That’s the easy stuff. Actually practicing what you preach. Living in line with personal (and biblical) convictions. Having a private persona that’s the same as your public persona. Doing what truly helps someone…


Not so Much What as Why

Actions get noticed. Words are heard. What happened gets a lot of discussion. But even more important than what happened is why. Why did you get upset? Why did you send that email when you did? Why did you stop and help her? Why did you donate as much as you did? No one sees…


Fully Present

Spouses. Parents. Friends. Colleagues. They all face distractions as they interact with others. The key is to be fully present in the moment. Give your undivided attention to listen, understand, and show you care. It’s so important, but it’s not always easy. The distractions are, well, distracting. We have limits. We can’t fully listen to…


Your Best Confidant

A truly good confidant can be hard to find. Someone you can really trust. Someone you know will always listen. Someone who doesn’t criticize but accepts you as you are. Someone who loves you even when you’re feeling unlovable. Do you need a confidant? Turn to Jesus. Believe in him, talk to him, let him…


Dealing with Shame

It’s not just that our cancel culture loves to shame people. Many people live with shame without anyone even calling them out. Counselors and mental health professionals will tell you that there are way more people than you realize who are carrying heavy burdens of guilt, regret, and self-loathing. How do you deal with shame?…