Your Strength Is Your Enemy’s Weakness

Guest Preacher   •   March 25, 2020


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Worship Songs via Youtube
(Please remember that any ads, comments, or “suggested videos” are not connected with Cross of Christ.)

Lead Me to the Cross (written by Brooke Fraser, this arrangement Francesca Battistelli)

Glory Be to Jesus (traditional hymn, arranged Koine)
Hymn 103 in the red Christian Worship hymnal. 

My Song Is Love Unknown (traditional hymn, st. 1-3, 5, 7)
My Song Is Love Unknown (arranged by Koine, st. 1-4, 7)
Hymn 110 in the red Christian Worship hymnal. 

Hallelujah, What a Savior (traditional hymn)
Hallelujah, What a Savior (modern arrangement by Austin Stone)
(Also called “Man of Sorrows, What a Name.” These two arrangements are pretty different, aren’t they? Again, this hymn is old enough that there are no copyright restrictions on it — so modern arrangers can change text (or add a refrain!) as they choose. What does the “feel” of each arrangement communicate to you?) 

Now the Light Has Gone Away (arranged by Koine)
Hymn 593 in the red Christian Worship hymnal. 

Sermon Audio

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