Cross of Christ is starting a second location in North Nampa. We’re super excited to be worshiping at JaK*s Place Neighborhood Grill. Every Sunday, we’ll be getting together at 9:30 am for encouragement, meaningful connections, and time to rest in the message of God.
What does it take to start a new church? It takes people. People to help plan. People to carry out events and host classes. People to reach out to other people. People to tell others the amazing news they have in a Savior named Jesus.
Do you want to know what these people are like? Some were here to start Cross of Christ in Boise 25 years ago and are doing it all over again with a new location in Nampa. Some are new to Cross of Christ, but they love this church and want to help it grow. They’re dedicated, creative, and accomplish remarkable things. They work so hard. They give so much. They’re all so different, yet they love each other deeply and have each other’s backs. They love Jesus and spread his love in their neighborhoods and communities. These people are amazing—some of the best people you’ll ever meet!
You can get a glimpse of some of the families here, here, here, and here.
Come and meet this amazing church family. Join us any Sunday for worship. Settle in with Jesus and his family. Welcome home.
We'd love to hear from you.
Contact us with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests.