
Have you found it tough to talk to people about spiritual things? It seems that people are often just not ready to discuss what’s most important. They’re already feeling pretty blessed without God in their life, so they don’t want to be bothered by talk of Jesus and things like repentance.

Do you think people might be a little more ready now? There are people who are terrified of what the next weeks and months will bring. People are scared about their portfolios, scared about future travel, and scared about getting sick. They’re not feeling so blessed without God in their life anymore.

Do you think they might be a little more open to listening now? Think about that when you’re posting on social media and interacting with others. This is a time when there might be more of an audience for what you have to say than you realize. Your words can have a powerful effect.

God is orchestrating things (including not-fun things) to get people ready to reach out, hear his Word, and really listen. In talking about how God has been ruling over everything after making the world, Paul once said, “God did this so that [people] would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17:27).

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