
How do you make the most of the COVID-19 situation? One way is to look for opportunities.

You know the devil is. He’s jumping on every opportunity right now to instill fear and make people doubt God’s love and protection. He sees a great opportunity to isolate others from God’s Word and from Christian encouragement. He’ll try to lure people into temptation and sin, and he’ll work hard to drive people from self-protection to loveless selfishness. Watch out for that.

Instead, we’ve got some great opportunities. People are hurting whom we can love. People are lost whom we can reach. People are in need whom we can help. Extra time at home is the perfect time to pray and read Scripture together. We can demonstrate trust amid uncertainty. We can put faith into practice as we rest all our hope in God’s love and perfect governance of the world. When the world around us is panicking and afraid, God places us here to be a blessing and make a difference.

There are opportunities all around us. Make the most of every opportunity (Colossians 4:5).

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