With all the attention surrounding the upcoming election, people are naturally concerned about who will be in power in the coming years. Whether at a local, state, or national level, knowing who will call the shots is important.
Do you know what’s even more important than that? It’s knowing who has the ultimate power and control. It’s knowing who gets the final say. It’s remembering who sits on the throne with absolute authority.
And who is that? Jesus, the Lamb of God, who rescued the world by his death and resurrection. Jesus, the one who possesses all the glory, honor, and power in the universe. Jesus, who loves us dearly, and will use his power to make all things work out for the good of his people. Jesus reigns on the throne. Jesus is forever in control. As kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, he remains the ruler of all things. Nothing will stop his benevolent kingship. And one day he will take his people to rule with him forever. No matter what happens this election year, Jesus is just as much in control. He knows what he’s doing—always has.
King Jesus is still in power. He’s got this.
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13).
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