People like to joke about the devil, but what if he was actually real? Not just a bad influence or an easy excuse to be naughty, but the personification of evil. An individual bent on hurt and destruction. Someone who is working behind the scenes to ruin you.
In the Bible, God insists that the devil is real. And he wants there to be no misunderstanding. He is not your friend. He will always hurt you. He wants to destroy your soul and bring about your eternal ruin.
The more serious the threat, the more urgent it is to recognize the danger and run to safety. God wants us to know for certain that the devil is real!
But there’s someone else who is real. Jesus. Jesus, who came to destroy the work of the devil. Jesus, who stands in victory over the devil by his death and resurrection. Jesus, who will crush him once and for all. Jesus, who is your friend.
Run for safety with Jesus. He’s way stronger than the devil. He’ll keep you safe.
“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)
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