wars and rumors of wars

The news is filled with a lot of bad . . . news.

Including wars. And things brewing around the world that can escalate to further conflict...

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The Saturday of the world’s first week, God rested from his creating work. The Saturday of Holy Week, Jesus rested from his saving work. God cares about rest, and he wants us to get our rest. Not just sleep for our bodies, but especially rest for our souls. What are your burdens? What are your…


Afraid to Die?

You hear it a lot lately: “It’s starting to get kind of scary.” There are a lot of things people can be afraid of right now. The big one is not just getting the coronavirus (or cancer or having a heart attack). It’s the fear of dying from it. Are you afraid to die? On…



On Thursday of Holy Week, Jesus gathered with his disciples to celebrate the Passover. While they ate, Jesus did something that surprised them all. He took bread and wine and told them to eat and drink. He told them it was his body and blood—for their forgiveness. He said, “Do this in remembrance of me”…



Do you need a little hope right now? Where you put your hope makes all the difference in the world. People will disappoint. Money will never be enough. Government leaders won’t always make the right calls. Treatments can fail. Our bodies wear out. God won’t disappoint. He will always be enough. He always makes the…


Using the Time

On Tuesday of Holy Week (the week that ended with Jesus dying on the cross), Jesus spent a lot of time teaching. He knew he was going to die, but he didn’t waste a moment leading up to it. He still had time, so he made the most of it before paying for the sins…


In Control

When he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and people shouted, “Hosanna!” he was in control. When they put him on trial, beat him, whipped him, spit on him, and nailed him to a cross, he was still in control. When he breathed his last and gave up his spirit—even then—he was in control. When…