wars and rumors of wars

The news is filled with a lot of bad . . . news.

Including wars. And things brewing around the world that can escalate to further conflict...

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Unfailing love

Does your love sometimes fail? Are you loved imperfectly by others? Of course. Because perfection seems impossible. Perfect, constant, unchanging, never-failing love seems impossible. We can love deeply, but not perfectly. God can. God does. His love for us never stops. Never gives up. Never slips up. Never disappoints. Never needs to apologize. God’s love…


Strengthening the roots

Trees that are never under stress aren’t forced to put their roots down deep. They end up being shallow. When the winds come, they can topple the whole tree, pulled out by its roots. We want strength. We want perseverance and hope, like roots that go down deep. But it takes stress to do it….


Shaped by God

If you want to get into better physical shape, you work out and eat healthy. And people talk about that all the time. People don’t talk as much about our souls. About what kind of shape our character is in. And, more importantly, how to be in good shape when it comes to our souls….


Feeling out of place

Sometimes we feel right at home. Other times, we’re kind of out of place. And it can feel that way with life in general. We’re here and comfortable with a lot of things, but it doesn’t always feel like home. Like we don’t quite belong. Like we were made for a world and life beyond…


Being okay with not knowing

What will happen tomorrow. Whether your job is secure. What the economy will do. What your relationships will look like years from now. We can’t predict the future. We don’t know a lot of what is ahead for us. And that’s okay. That is, when you have God and his love and his promises. It…


Taking care of the you inside

The you on the outside—the one everyone sees—that can be real or fake. You can act. You can pretend. You can hide. But the you on the inside—your heart—that’s what only you and God see. But it’s the real you. Don’t neglect to take care of the you inside. Take care of your heart. Invest…