wars and rumors of wars

The news is filled with a lot of bad . . . news.

Including wars. And things brewing around the world that can escalate to further conflict...

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Where to find security

Real security in life isn’t found in having enough money. Nor does it come from status or success. Certain, unshakable security requires more than sufficient locks or an alarm system. Real, dependable, lasting security comes from having the right person with you. Always. That person is God. Because God is your rock. He’s a fortress…


You’re needy

Most of us don’t want to be needy. To be overly dependent on anyone. We want to bestrong, independent, and capable of whatever is needed on our own. All the time.How’s that working for us?If we’re honest, we’re not nearly as self-sufficient was we think we are. We fail. We messup. We let people down….


“I promise”

They’re important words. Ones not to be taken lightly. Don’t say them unless you mean them. Unless you plan to follow through. God makes promises. To us. And he doesn’t take them lightly. In fact, he likes to make promises in terms of covenants. Official, binding agreements he guarantees he’ll follow through on. The biggest…


Ruling in your heart

Being ruled by someone or something isn’t usually a nice thought. People see tyranny asbad.But what if we could be ruled (controlled, even) by something good? Ruling not justexternally, but guiding and directing our very hearts?Ruled over by something like peace?There’s a peace that comes from Jesus Christ that is only good all the time….


Wearing Love

When we think of love, it’s usually in terms of feelings and actions. Emotions andinteractions between people.But something we wear? Like clothes? People usually don’t talk that way. But the Bibledoes.Love is something we can surround ourselves with. Something that clothes us. Somethingothers can’t help but see when they look at us and interact with…


The Power to Forgive

Let’s face it. Forgiveness isn’t easy. It’s difficult to let go when we’ve been wronged. It almost doesn’t feel right, like we’re letting people get away with what they did. But forgiveness isn’t pretending like nothing ever happened. It did. And it’s not okay. Forgiveness is choosing to send away the debt and cover the…