wars and rumors of wars

The news is filled with a lot of bad . . . news.

Including wars. And things brewing around the world that can escalate to further conflict...

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Elections are coming. They’re an opportunity to cast your vote and choose the person you want in particular offices of government. It is a huge honor to be elected—to be chosen by your people. If you are a follower of Jesus, did you know that you’ve been elected? You are chosen. You’ve been selected for…



So much of the west is burning right now. The smoke from the fires is making the air quality in Idaho poor, and it leaves a perpetual haze in the sky. Far worse than that, homes and entire towns are destroyed, while some have lost loved ones to the blaze. It’s horrible. It’s also a…


What’s Going to Happen?

Will schools return to in-person learning? Will there be another Covid spike? What will be the results of the upcoming elections? How different will the holidays be this year? What’s 2021 going to look like? We don’t have all the answers about the future. But we do have some. God has told his children some…



What’s my purpose in life? Why am I here? Sometimes, we’re made to believe that our purpose is to take it easy. Relax. Enjoy the good things while we can. We’re often told that the point of work is to get to the point where we don’t have to work anymore. It usually doesn’t take…


Round Characters

Hamlet. Anakin Skywalker. Flynn Rider. They’re round characters. Round characters in literature and movies are people presented to us in a believable way. They aren’t two-dimensional. They might have good qualities as well as bad qualities they need to work through as they develop. People enjoy round characters in literature because they’re more real. Do…


Pray Continually

The Bible says, “Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When you think about all the things we have to pray about, there’s enough to fill the day with requests and thanks to God. Do you need a little help to get started praying? Consider the following: What has been worrying me or stressing me out lately?…