wars and rumors of wars

The news is filled with a lot of bad . . . news.

Including wars. And things brewing around the world that can escalate to further conflict...

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Are you ready to return to the way things were? Are you ready for the return to school with all the changes this year? Would you like to have a day that feels somewhat normal? Most of us are. No one really knows when things will return to normal. Even when they do, it will…



Dangerous situations don’t always start out looking dangerous. The road seemed fine until you hit the ice patch. The stove looked cool until you set your hand on it. The parking space appeared wide enough until you tried pulling in. Spiritually dangerous situations don’t always start out looking dangerous either. That’s because the devil is…


Fear of Missing Out

Have you heard of FOMO—the fear of missing out? There’s something starting next week you won’t want to miss. It will give you peace. It will give you comfort and hope. It will set your soul free with confidence in your relationship with God. It’s a free course at Cross of Christ called Cross Connections….


I Get It

Let’s be honest, sometimes the Bible can seem a little confusing. Should I be worried about my sin or not? Why am I here on this earth? How does God want me to live at my job and in my marriage? Am I worthy enough? Do you know how you find the answers? Go to…


Not Just Talk

There’s no shortage of talk. Everywhere you turn there’s another opinion, more research results, different findings, and plenty of perspectives. Would you like something that’s not just talk? Something better than opinions and more reliable than perspectives? Do you know what if means if you long for something like that? It means you long for…


Are You Questioning Right Now?

Why would God let so many people die of a horrible virus? Why is there so much unrest and anger in our country? Why do the innocent suffer? How can I believe in a good God when there’s much bad out there? Are you questioning right now? Lots of people are. The best way to…