wars and rumors of wars

The news is filled with a lot of bad . . . news.

Including wars. And things brewing around the world that can escalate to further conflict...

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In the Kindest Possible Way

It’s easy to assume the worst. It’s easy to dismiss someone else’s views as idiotic and misinformed. It’s easy to think that we know best and someone who thinks or acts differently must be the enemy. It’s easy to take things in the worst possible way. In his explanation to the Commandment, “You shall not…


Love that Makes a Difference

People sometimes lament that they can’t do the big things that have such an impact on the world. “I can’t afford to build hospitals.” “I can’t go on a mission trip overseas.” “I can’t adopt all the orphans or feed all the hungry.” Did you know the Bible says you don’t have to do the…



In this world, we will have troubles. By day and night, there are things that cause anxiety, make us feel unsafe, or threaten us in one way or another. While God may lead us through these things, he also promises to protect his children as he walks with us. We are never alone. Those who…


Never Forgotten

Could you imagine being forgotten by your own parents? Some people can. Have you been forgotten by someone you relied on—someone dear to you? It hurts severely. There is one person who will never forget you. He knows you so well, he loves you so unconditionally, and he always has you on his mind. It’s…



Fourth of July weekend affords Americans the opportunity to collectively celebrate and give thanks for freedom in our land. It’s important to set aside time to do this. God has blessed this country with resources and liberties people of other nations and other times of history could only dream of. We never deserved this. Yet…



A wise man once said that a mark of Christian maturity is a high tolerance for ambiguity. By that he didn’t mean that you minimize truth or compromise where God has clearly spoken. He was talking about what maturity looks like in all the gray areas of life to which the Bible doesn’t speak directly….